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30 Day June Marketing Challenge

Day 20


Promote your Hydration Challenge Kicking Off Today!

  • In honor of National Hydration Day on June 23rd, this week you have the opportunity to run a 7 day Hydration Challenge in your VIP Group!

  • You will find the challenge template in Vizzlie in our Zyia Revolution Folder - June 2022

  • Use this as a LEAD MAGNET to attract new people to you! Today, post a teaser image that it is day 1 of your challenge and it's not too late for people to jump in on it! 

  • Post on your profile and or in your stories asking people to like, comment, reply to the poll, etc so you know to send them a DM with an invite to your group where the challenge will be held!

Tips: ​​

  • Add stickers/gifs to your stories and any additional photos of yourself (people love seeing photos of you!)

  • Make sure you check back on your stories periodically for likes and comments

  • Remember "every like is a lead" (every comment too!)

  • Add your new leads to a list to keep track of them (so you can continue to nurture and convert them.)

  • Send them a DM with an offer or start a conversation



  • Make sure you really comment, tag and engage people in the Hydration Challenge going on in your VIP Group!

  • Ask questions to start more conversations, post photos of yourself being accountable to hydrating, etc.


  • Reach out directly to 5 NEW people who have joined your VIP group or engaged on a post this month. Make sure they know about the Hydration Challenge and invite them to participate!

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